Finishing my first garment!

This dress is really proving difficult because it was made from a size 10 block it is too wide at the bust leaving no modesty on the chest. I have attached the sleeves, waist band and hemmed it today so now it is just time to adjust the front. However, this is not as easy as it sounds as I will also have to adjust the back if I adjust the front.

In the end I pulled the waist band higher which made the V-neck lower, I also added a back seam which brought the shoulders in. I’m still not 100% happy with the garment as it still sits a bit baggy on the mannequin (and my models are a size 6) I would quite like to make the back tighter still. My garment has reduced from a size 10 to about a 6/8 now but I am happier with it being slightly smaller.

I have learned a lot from constructing this garment, as before I have had a lot of help and have basically been spoon fed on how to create a garment, however I have created this pattern myself without not knowing how it would turn out. Overall, I am really pleased because it looks almost identical to my initial design and I haven’t had to change much. Infact, in the original drawing the V at the front touched the waist band anyway so if anything it is even more like my initial design.

I find construction really hard and I don’t really enjoy doing it however it has taught me a lot and I find it really exciting to see the final finished piece.

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